Cutest Blog on the Block

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sure hope it isn't catching...

There has been some sort of epidemic going around our little CHD community lately. The long-lasting symptoms include vomitting in some cases, moodiness, strange eating habits, and extreme fatigue. I sure hope it isn't contagious! This 41 year old mom (me, I mean) wouldn't want to catch the same bug that Shannon, Jesse, Jen, Victoria, and Mandy have caught!

Our family is so excited for these families. We offer heartfelt congratulations and many, many prayers for all of you!


  1. Oh Pam, your prayers mean so much to our family! We have to go back on Monday for a follow-up ultrasound with our OB since they couldn't see the length of the spine (baby girl was all tucked up with her knees to her nose). They assured us this is not concerning, but we would love your prayers for that appointment!

  2. Thank you so much for the sweet shout-out!!:-)
    I just saw this...obviously, Im behind in reading about our little heart buddies!
    Heart hugs to you and yours!

  3. You're so funny! Thanks for the shout-out and the prayers! :)


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